Vibrant colours, splashing water and pelting each other with all possible hues is one of the biggest reasons why we wait so eagerly for Holi every year.
Holi is a time of colours and vibrancy. Holi is also a time of immense damage to your skin and hair. The colours play havoc and cause allergies for many.
The biggest culprit during Holi is the harmful ingredients that are used in the colours. Most of us believe that washing off the colours with soap or face wash is enough to remove the harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, that is not true, and you may end up with rashes, breakouts and other skin or hair related problems.
Simple steps to take holicolours off safely:
Removing colour from hair:
1. Castor or Olive oil:
Apply either castor oil or olive oil to the hair before you go out to play with the colours.
The oil will form a protective layer over the hair. This will make the colors come off easily when you wash your hair. In case you don’t have easy access to olive oil or castor oil, you can also use coconut oil or almond oil as an alternative. It is best if you massage the oil the previous night as it will also help protect your scalp.
2. Egg yolk or curd:
Avoid immediately shampooing your hair after playing Holi.
Apply egg yolk or curd on your hair at least 45 minutes before shampoo. This will help remove the colours and reduce the extent of damage.
3. Mustard oil:
Thoroughly massage your hair with mustard oil before using colours. After playing Holi, once you have shampooed your hair, apply mustard oil on your hair and leave it in for an hour. This will help remove the remaining colour and prevent damage.
4. Coconut milk:
Applying coconut milk on the hair is another great way to ensure less damaged. It also helps remove colours easily. Apply coconut milk on your hair before you play. Also, apply it before shampoo and leave on for an hour. Clean off with a shampoo.
Removing colour from skin:
5. Moisturizer:
Apply a generous amount of moisturizer on your hands, face and all exposed body parts before going out to play.
6. Dark nail paint:
Paint your nails with a dark nail colour. This will prevent your nails from getting stained. You can remove the nail paint after you are finished playing with colours.
7. Apply foundation:
Apply foundation just before playing Holi. This will protect your skin from dry colours.
8. Apply Vaseline:
Apply Vaseline to your lips before you head out to play. This will add the required moisture and care to your lips. It will also prevent colours from settling in the cracks of your lips.
9. Apply sunscreen:
Wear sunscreen at least 30 to 45 minutes before you head out to play with colours.
10. Wheat flour:
Take some wheat flour and add a bit of oil or lemon. Make a paste and apply this all over your skin, scrubbing off the colours. Do this just before you shower.
Tips to remember:
- Use cold water to remove the colors. Hot water will make it difficult to remove the colours.
- Do not wash your face again and again as this will make it dry.
- Soak cotton in coconut oil and use it to wipe off the colours from your face.
- Applying soaked amchur powder also helps get rid of color.
- Avoid going for skin or hair treatments like facial, bleach, hair colour and the like just after holi. Wait for at least a week or two before you use chemicals or products on your skin and hair.
- Make a paste using curd and methi seeds powder. Apply this on your hair as a post holi hair mask. This will prevent hair damage and keep your hair nourished.
Holi is a festival of colours and fun, and following these simple steps will ensure you have a safe and fun day with colours.
Go out, get coloured and come back and tell us all about it. Happy Holi!