Bleeding lips or fine lines are a problem that most of us have. They make it so hard for one to pick out a good looking choice for the lips. Obviously as no matter how good the lip product is, if you have bleeding lips it will not work! So let’s see what we can do about it!
Bleeding Lips Causes
There many simple yet unnoticable causes of bleeding lips which we tend to ignore most of the times. Here is a list.
- Licking of lips
- Dehydration
- Allergies
- Mouth breathing or snoring
- Dry arid air
- Skin care products that don’t suit you.
Bleeding Lips Treatment
Lip augmentation :
Lip augmentation can create plumper, fuller lips or reduce fine lines around the mouth. There are many options for lip augmentation and your doctor can recommend the one that best suits you.
Laser Lip Rejuvenation:
Laser treatments stimulate the growth of new collagen and remove layers of dead old skin. This is effective for treating fine lines but not for plumping the lips. Laser lip rejuvenation takes a couple of days to recover from, but usually only one treatment is necessary.
These treatments have few side effects and generally no downtime although the effects wear off with time.
Step 1
Wrap your upper and lower lips over your teeth. Biting down, move your lips from side to side, as though blotting. Without causing pain, apply enough pressure that the movement almost feels uncomfortable. Continue “blotting” for around one minute. You should notice an improvement in the appearance of your lip wrinkles immediately. Perform the exercise once or twice daily for maximum results.
Step 2
Sit in an erect position. Press your lips together. Do not purse your lips. Maintain your teeth in an unclenched relaxed position. Tap the center of your lips with your index finger, and visualize trying to crush a pencil between the center of your lips. Slowly pull your finger away from your lips and visualize your pencil growing longer. Continue to press your lips together without pursing. You should not see creases in your lips when performing this exercise. When you feel your lip muscles begin to burn, tap the center of your lips rapidly while counting to 30. When performed twice daily this lip training exercise will plump out thin lips and smooth out lines above the upper lip.
Step 3
Wash your face. Pat your skin dry and apply glycolic acid. This acid will encourage the removal of old skin cells that have assembled into lines and replace them with smoother cells underneath. Smooth the glycolic acid up to your lip line, but do not smooth it on the lip line or on the lips, as it could irritate the delicate skin and burn.
Step 4
Apply a moisturizer. Massage it into the skin above your upper lips to further reduce lines. Opt for a moisturizer that a sun protection factor of at least 15. This will help prevent future lines and stop existing lines from worsening.