Pay attention to your lips and notice them carefully. Aren’t they getting chapped, dry and dull day by day without proper maintenance? What do you do to take care of them? Moisturize with balms and glosses? Are they just enough? Think a little more deep, you can get the reason. If your lips are coated with dead cells and rough skin, how could they get nourished with the lip balms? Your lips should be free from dead cells to enjoy and absorb the moisturization that your lip balm provides.
cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Jeanny
Have you guessed what now? No doubt, it is exfoliation. The same thing that your body or facial skin gets to become free from dead skin cells, but for lips it should be more gentle. Using facial scrubs or body scrubs on your lips may have many bad effects such as over exfoliation, side effects or even a bad taste. Some may go for store bought lip scrubs to exfoliate their lips but it is much more easier to make your own at home! They are natural, sweet smelling and yummier than you expect. So, let us check out now some interesting lip scrub recipes from your kitchen to get rid of dark lips and achieve soft pink kissable lips.
Honey and Sugar Lip Scrub:
Sugar is one of the kitchen ingredient which can be used as a good body scrub and when it comes to lips, yes sugar works great too. Salt has been used as a good skin scrub too, but who dares to bear its taste on lips? So let us go for something sweet, that is sugar. Mix a pinch or sugar with few drops of honey and make your instant lip scrub. Apply this coarse mixture on your lips and gently scrub for a minute or two. Wash off with warm water and moisturize with your lip balm.
[Read: How to Make Sugar Lip Scrub]
Olive Oil and Sugar Lip Scrub:
Want some more deep moisturizing for your chapped lips? Then go for olive oil. It has great healing and calming properties which can bring back your soft and pink lips. Mix few drops of olive oil with sugar and start scrubbing your lips gently. Wipe off with a tissue and splash warm water. This incredibly moisturizes and softens the dry lips within minutes.
Coffee Scrub for Sensitive lips:
cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Lilian Wong
Coffee tastes yummy and let us include in on your lip care routine now. Yes! Make use of coffee to scrub your lips in a very gentle way. This scrub suits sensitive lips well leaving a lovely coffee fragrance. All you need to do is ground some coffee beans coarsely, remember it should not be fine or else there will be no scrubbing effect. Now mix some milk do this coffee power. Like an instant coffee, your instant lip scrub is ready for use!
Tit bits to remember:
- Moisturize your lips with your lip balm as many times a day, especially after bath, meals and before going to bed at night. This will protect your lips from moisture loss and keeps it kissable all the time.
- Want pink lips in a minute? Slice a beetroot and rub it on your lips. This is a very natural and effective way to make your lips pink instantly.
- Butter can be smoothly applied over lips to heal chapping and bleeding lips.